
Fortnite Creator

Total Maps

Total Fortnite Maps Created

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Maps Featured by Fortnite

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About Me

I am a long time map maker within Fortnite Creative. I have been making maps since the day creative launched back in 2018. I started making maps as a hobby and over the years I am now making them professionally.

I have made over 70+ maps and including 15 features that have been played by over 100 million players!


I Am Creative

I can create experiences for any projects you are looking to make, whether that be part of a brand collaboration or working with others part time on their team maps

I Am Innovative

If you are looking for unique experiences that have never been seen before to play or be made then check out my portfolio or contact me below and we together we can create a masterpiece!

I Am Businessman

Featured Projects

My Services

I am able to provide high quality, detailed and fun experiences for any influencers or brands that are looking to get involved with Fortnite Creative. Head over to my portfolio to see some of my work.

Game Design

I can build you a top quality custom map in Fortnite to match your branding needs. This includes anything from gamemodes to map designs.
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I have a social following of over 300,000 and can promote any experience I create for you or your brand on your chosen platforms. This includes video trailers, walkthroughs and other social promotions.
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The mechanical design of the maps I create for you will peak the limits of creative. I can create any game mode and include any mechanical design you want me to that will show off your brand the best way possible.
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The maps I will design and create for you will be tailored perfectly to your brand. This includes anything from custom logos to unique gameplay mechanics that incorporate anything your brand is after.
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We are open for partnership

Have a project for us?
Get in touch!